What is felt? What is seen? What is heard? What is smelled? What has been tasted?
Experience is found in poetry, an art of words not meant to explain or to make points, but to create an experience. Yes, there is a concept in art, but how can that idea be experienced and felt by another? It is another way of thinking that takes over your mind. A way of thinking that you relearn.
When you have an idea, don't freeze up your mind. Free your mind and not think so hard about end result of the project. Experience your topic and explore it. Visit the five senses. Ask questions. Draw, write, whatever.
We grow-up and we forget how to be a child. There is a time to become an adult, but stay in touch with that inner child. The child who played, created, who did no "self-editing." When you are confronted with a project, First, Let your inner child play where fear and embarrassment are absent, but discipline this child afterwards for you are the adult. Create and "let it all out" with no restrictions, then draw and write with no filter. Write as you draw and draw as you write. Go crazy and explore. Go and edit Last. Creation will lead you back to concept through the creative experience. Now take that creation, that concept and turn it into a tangible experience.
We are children first and then adults later for a reason. So, play first. Play with the experience, then put your talents to use after.
So, what do you use to express this ides? What are your instruments? Are they words? Drawings? Paintings? Sculptures? Your own body? Cartoon characters? What do they convey? They can convey feelings, emotions, ideas, thought patterns, reactions.
How can you make those five senses into something tangible?
How can you make an experience into something that can be physically seen and felt by an audience?
Just get into the right mind-set.
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