Since the beginning of the semester there has been many topics going through my head such as love, culture, character, family, life, renewal. In the last project, I got lost in a non conceptual, personal "lala" land. I'm getting the hell out of "lala" land. So I started to focus on my ideas and play with them as I play with words in order to write a poem and hopefully I will find my concept. You can't write a poem for explaining and making points and being up front. A poem is not a research paper but an art. It's all about using words to express an experience and emotions with a concept supporting it. My project shouldn't be up front personal scrapbook but a conceptual piece of art with an idea to support it. I want to treat this project the same way I treat a poem. I need to go to conceptual land! Back to the drawing board!
Screw renewal, I'm going to focus on character. I love the character. I love character animation. I am fascinated by the evoking of like, the greatest illusion, the art of creating feelings, ideas, thoughts, and emotions through a character as a musician creates music with instruments, a poet creates an experience with words, an actress creates an emotional character with her body. My characters are the instruments I play to express a certain experience in my art. I want them to be living and breathing. I want them to think, act, and react with their environment and with other characters.
I am going back to an idea that I have had at the beginning of the semester. I have come up with a love story between two characters. These two characters are inanimate objects in real life, but my idea is that the preparation of a hot sausage po'boy is a love story between the hot sausage patty and the french bread. The french bread and the hot sausage will fall in love with each other and they become happily united but only to be consumed together as a po'boy sandwich.
This 2D narrative will be constructed in AE with the use of photoshop to create an illustrated environment and possibly the use of Toonboom to bring my characters to life with some hand drawn animation. There is no dialogue in this piece as well.
This is an emotional piece so these food characters will have a face, eyeballs for sure.
This piece will not only reflect my focus on character, but on the love of my culture and my love of food. I guess overall, there is a focus on pleasure, the pleasures of being in love and eating.
So, maybe my whole focus isn't about food, love, culture, or character. Maybe it is about immediate gratification, pleasure.
Pleasure is a shared emotion, a common experience, my focus and concept to support this narrative.