This is the establishing shot, mother egret teaching her young, and uninterested egret.
Nutria shows egret the free food being given up on the neutral ground.

Egret sees the happy ducks eating on the neutral ground.
Egret looks at the dirty canal then leaves with the nutria to the neutral ground.
Time passes as the egret grows dependent on humans.
All the people have left and the egret's food flow stops. He sees a car in the U-turn.
The egret approaches the driver, hoping to get food. The driver is startled, but he tries to eat the egret!
The egret fights off the man and gets away.

The egret is exhausted. He looks towards the canal and sees his nutria friend eating roots.

He goes the the nutria hoping to get food or help towards free food, but the nutria only has roots. He gives a root to the egret but the egret doesn't like it and spits it out.

The egret is all alone and hungry, for he has to one to go to for food, or can he provide food for himself. He sees his siblings with plenty of fish. He goes to them hoping to get some.

The egret is rebuked by his own brothers and sent away to find food for himself. The egret struggles to catch a fish.

The egret finally catches a fish and as he is about to consume it, he himself is consumed.

The egret is eaten by the alligator.
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